According to a report from Focus Taiwan, ASUS has cleared up the rumors about a 3G version of the tablet arriving. The company announced that it had no such plan to launch a 3G version of the Transformer Prime, at least not according to its current roadmap. The company could always change its mind in the future, but for now you're better off looking for a 3rd party 3G solution (WiFi tethering on your smartphone or a MiFi hotspot) as opposed to waiting for the 3G Transformer Prime to arrive. Anybody disappointed by this news?
Transformer Prime 3G nothing more than a rumor says ASUS
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
While the Transformer Prime has been getting pretty good reviews all
around, it has one noticeable disadvantage when compared to other
premium tablets on the market today: it is a WiFi-only device. While
this may not be a problem to most people, there is quite a large number
of people who need 3G on their tablets as well. But for those of you who
have been hoping and waiting for ASUS to announce a 3G version of the
tablet, you're out of luck.
According to a report from Focus Taiwan, ASUS has cleared up the rumors about a 3G version of the tablet arriving. The company announced that it had no such plan to launch a 3G version of the Transformer Prime, at least not according to its current roadmap. The company could always change its mind in the future, but for now you're better off looking for a 3rd party 3G solution (WiFi tethering on your smartphone or a MiFi hotspot) as opposed to waiting for the 3G Transformer Prime to arrive. Anybody disappointed by this news?
According to a report from Focus Taiwan, ASUS has cleared up the rumors about a 3G version of the tablet arriving. The company announced that it had no such plan to launch a 3G version of the Transformer Prime, at least not according to its current roadmap. The company could always change its mind in the future, but for now you're better off looking for a 3rd party 3G solution (WiFi tethering on your smartphone or a MiFi hotspot) as opposed to waiting for the 3G Transformer Prime to arrive. Anybody disappointed by this news?
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