Sony has confirmed that the Tablet S and Tablet P devices will be on the receiving end of the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update, making that announcement over their online community forum. This is definitely not the first Ice Cream Sandwich announcement from Sony, where they do have the intention of introducing Android 4.0 for the Sony Ericsson Xperia handset range from March next year. Better late than never, of course, as the Galaxy Nexus is the first smartphone that ships with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, and while the rest of the Android-powered phones catch up with Google (and Samsung, of course). Well, at least it is nice to know that Sony is doing their part to keep their customers happy – as far as we know, the Tablet S and Tablet P are not exactly flying off the shelves, so this bit of news is definitely encouraging if you happen to own either tablet device from Sony.
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