As far as its tech specs are concerned, it has remained exactly the same as the current Xoom tablets, with the addition of 4G radios. This means that customers can expect a 1GHz NVIDIA Tegra-2 dual-core processor under the hood with 1GB of RAM, a 10.1" display and Android's Honeycomb 3.2 on board. The LTE version of the Motorola Xoom tablet will set you back $499 (32GB version) on a two year contract with Verizon, while the off-contract model will cost you $649. While LTE would be pretty sweet, would you rather hold out for the rumored Xoom 2 instead?
Motorola Xoom LTE now available
Friday, October 28, 2011
Existing Motorola Xoom tablet
owners probably had to deal with the hassle, wait and slight delays in
sending their tablet back to the company in order for them to upgrade it to be LTE compatible. The good news for those who have held out on getting the tablet is that the Motorola Xoom LTE edition is now available from Verizon's and Motorola's stores.
As far as its tech specs are concerned, it has remained exactly the same as the current Xoom tablets, with the addition of 4G radios. This means that customers can expect a 1GHz NVIDIA Tegra-2 dual-core processor under the hood with 1GB of RAM, a 10.1" display and Android's Honeycomb 3.2 on board. The LTE version of the Motorola Xoom tablet will set you back $499 (32GB version) on a two year contract with Verizon, while the off-contract model will cost you $649. While LTE would be pretty sweet, would you rather hold out for the rumored Xoom 2 instead?
As far as its tech specs are concerned, it has remained exactly the same as the current Xoom tablets, with the addition of 4G radios. This means that customers can expect a 1GHz NVIDIA Tegra-2 dual-core processor under the hood with 1GB of RAM, a 10.1" display and Android's Honeycomb 3.2 on board. The LTE version of the Motorola Xoom tablet will set you back $499 (32GB version) on a two year contract with Verizon, while the off-contract model will cost you $649. While LTE would be pretty sweet, would you rather hold out for the rumored Xoom 2 instead?
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